Gerry Adams carrying the coffin of the scumbag who blew up 9 people in a fish shop in October 1993.Here is something below from a bit of a partisan site, who won't mind me quoting from it. (http://www.iraatrocities.fsnet.co.uk/shankill.htm). It's a bit of an angry site, but who am I to preach love and forgiveness? There are plenty who do (read about Alan McBride below) and I just can't believe their good hearts. They are the salt of the earth. I am pretty the opposite; I don't think I would ever forgive anyone who took out a member of my beloved family. I would be as revengeful as a bandit. I would vow revenge. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Perhaps one wears oneself out with grief and can think of nothing in the end but reconciliation and an end to violence . . . You can see various pics on the above site. You can read about Adams carrying the scumbag's coffin here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/3138842.stmThe Shankill bomb Massacre
As the people of the Shankill Road in Belfast went about their daily lives two Provisional IRA/Sinn Fein members walk into Frizzell's fish shop dressed in white coats looking like delivery men. With them they carried a bomb which was to deliver death and destruction and reduce the shop to rubble seconds later. They had the bomb on a short timer of approx 11 seconds which was to secure their own escape, but not the innocent people doing their shopping in the immediate area. As they walked into the shop there were men, women and children in Frizzells. They knew that all of these people would die but that did not deter them on their deadly mission of murdering innocent civilians in a Protestant area of Belfast.
But the bombers made a fatal error setting the timer and with out warning to them either the bomb exploded prematurely. The carrier of the bomb IRA/Sinn Fein Thomas Begley died in the blast. The bomb was designed to send the force of the explosion upwards and as it did what it was designed to do, all of the upper building came down on the innocent people in the shop as well as themselves, who's intention was to set the bomb down and walk away unharmed.
The Shankill bomb massacre victims, all innocent civilians, were:-
John Desmond Frizzel 63 yrs, married with three children
Sharon McBride 29 yrs one child, daughter of John Desmond
George Williamson 63 yrs married with two children
Gillian Willamson 49 yrs married with two children
Evelyn Baird 27 yrs two children
Michelle Baird 7 yrs old schoolgirl
Leanne Murray 13 yrs old schoolgirl
Michael Morrison 27 yrs three children
Wilma McKee 38 yrs two children
Thomas Begley was one of the Provisional IRA/Sinn Fein who died planting the bomb.
The Provisional IRA/Sinn Fein member who accompanied Begley was severely injured in the blast but survived and was given nine life sentences.
The judge said "This wanton slaughter of so many innocent people must rank as one of the outrageous atrocities endured by the people of this province in the last quarter of a century."
Relatives of one victim called out to the defendant "I hope you die in jail, you bastard."
Another said sometime later "We came here looking for justice and I don't think any of the families think they got it. He showed no remorse. He proved beyond doubt that he didn't give a damn about the people he murdered."
Among the injured were a 79 yr old woman and two two-year old baby boys. In total 57 people were injured some of them seriously. Among those injured was a two two year old boys and a 79 yr old woman.
The book the Price for Peace said "Local men, police, firemen and ambulance men tore at the rubble in a search for survivors, but the elderly building had collapsed like a house of cards, bringing heavy masonry crashing down on those inside. They used axes and crowbars and their bare hands, but they knew there was little chance of finding anyone alive. From time to time the rescuers would pause and call for quiet when they thought they had heard a groan or a scream from within the rubble. A deathly hush would fall over the crowd as they listened for signs of survivors; there were few such signs. A fleet of ambulances took away the injured as local people looked on, barely able to comprehend the scale of the disaster. Then, after a while, the ambulance men began to bring out shapes wrapped in blankets as the wreckage of the fish shop began to give up its dead."
The daughter of George and Gillian Williamson said the following day in an interview "They say a mother's love is a blessing. I miss my mother already. To lose both our parents in one day - oh God, oh God. I am angry, I am bitter. I will never forgive them for this, never. I want to see Gerry Adams face to face. I want to tell him that the people who did this to my mammy and daddy are nothing but scum. I want to tell them they are evil bastards."
The husband of Sharon McBride after learning of the explosion said "As soon as I turned the corner and saw the shop I knew there was no one getting out of there alive. I went crazy, shouting and crying." As for the hospital it was "like the waiting room of hell - families in every corner of the room. They were waiting in line to be told their loved one had died. We were last in line and weren't told until about 5pm - Nothing can prepare you for being told your wife is dead. I just went crazy."
When Michael Morrison was killed along with his common-law wife Evelyn Baird and one of his three children seven year old Michelle. The bomb left their nine year old son and six week old daughter orphaned. Their coffins were sealed and no relatives seen their remains due to the horrific injuries all three received in the bomb blast.
An extract from the book The Flight for Peace noted: "One of the shoppers on the Shankill that day was Mrs. Gina Murray, a woman who had lost a child at birth and another in a road accident and her husband had died from a stroke eight months earlier. Mrs. Murray was with her 13 yr old daughter Leanne, who usually stayed close by her side. But Leanne, unusually, had gone into the shop to buy a tub of whelks."
Mrs. Murray said "Suddenly there was this huge bang. We ran screaming for Leanne. We couldn't find her. No one had seen her. There were people lying in the street covered in blood. My little girl was underneath all that rubble. We started clawing at it with our bare hands. I was screaming her name but it was no use. My little daughter was dead."
Gerry Adams helped carry the coffin of the scumbag Begley.
By their actions you shall know them, and this action spoke volumes to the Protestants of Northern Ireland as he was openly and unashamedly associating himself with the Provisional IRA.
A lack of political will, and the huge cost of the Bloody Sunday Inquiry, means no other murders will be probed to the same extent, a bereaved husband now fears.
Alan McBride lost his beautiful wife Sharon, 29, and her devoted dad, Desmond Frizzell, in the 1993, Shankill Road bomb. And he firmly believes only killings which implicate the government or security forces in some way, will ever be thoroughly investigated.
In his opinion, that rules out all other atrocities, leaving families who have lost loved ones during the Troubles, still asking why. He feels that establishing the truth is paramount, and everyone is entitled to this. But he adds: "Having said that, I am a realist, and know the cost of the Bloody Sunday Inquiry is going to hit £100 million, before the end of the year. "There is no way that is going to be repeated for anyone else."
All calls for public inquiries at the minute seem to be involving the State - Rosemary Nelson, Pat Finucane and Robert Hamill, for example. "It's to do with matching up the political will and the cost, which I see as very one sided. "I don't in any way deny the Bloody Sunday families their inquiry, it's not their fault others are being left out. "But if we have to go down the road of inquiries, they must be inclusive."
Alan's wife died in the no-warning blast along with eight other innocent men, women and children , and IRA bomber, Thomas Begley. In July 2000, Sean Kelly walked free from the Maze, after serving seven years of nine life sentences, for his part in the attack. Alan was left a young widower with a two year old daughter, Zoe, to care for - and he's been an inspirational dad Although he's not keen to delve into the last tragic moments of Sharon's life through an inquiry, he fully understands how others feel the need. "To be honest, I have always protected myself from the full horror of the facts of my wife's death," he explains."But to get to the truth is important to me. "One young man did time for the Shankill bomb, and the other was killed, but I don't think these young people planned this atrocity. "It was someone else much higher up the ladder, and I don't see that ever being properly investigated. "In more general terms, if inquiries go far enough back into the Troubles, we might find that people involved in the conflict are now involved in government."
Alan works with WAVE, a group set up to support survivors of violence, especially those bereaved through terrorism. They are currently looking at the wide spectrum of truth commissions, and other such processes which exist in other countries. "The past must be dealt with in order for people to get some sort of closure - as I hope the families of Bloody Sunday will find," he says. "The legacy of our past must be replaced with healing."