He doesn't want children. I didn't like his choice of music, and I don't like his instincts. He was so crazy about Cat Stevens. Well so was I in the old days, but did Gervais know that Cat Stevens called for the fatwah on Salman Rushdie?

Then, of course, the scummy University of Gloucester (sounds like a contradiction in terms, doesn't it?) gives an honorary degree to Cat Stevens.
He's got a new name now, Yusuf Islam (stupid name for a Greek), but that can't erase his fatwah, no matter how much he tries to deny it, or how many good works he does. Scumbag of the first order.
How sick can you get? you believe everything you read? Oh dear!
Oh dear. Here we both are: enormous fans of Jansson's *The Summer Book*, and you think I can possibly be sick or believe everything I read. I am the most wholesome person I know. I have spent my life being utterly cynical about everything I read. I was actually taught to do that at school. We had one lesson in that and it was enough. Let's agree on Jansson, at any rate. Wonderful woman.
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