I knew the minute the mother said that the child might have been abducted "to get back at me" that something was up. Can you imagine finding your child missing, and thinking of yourself before you think of the ubiquitous paedophiles that are allowed to roam uncastrated around this land? It was so out of order.
If it has cost £5 million for the police hunt for Shannon, I think it's money well spent. It has been endless entertainment for nearly two months. Far better than the shite like reality TV and Shameless that this lumpen nation is bombarded with. It has been a major sociology lesson that I think we all needed. It has got three children into care, where they will probably be really loved and do well in life.
Just a few more notes now:
1. The biological mbp father, Leon Rose, wants his Shannon back. This is the man who hadn't seen her since LAST SUMMER . . . "because of money problems and so on". I guess this means he wasn't paying maintenance for her, so that the (now "neglectful") mother then went and denied him access. I guess the paedophile fishmonger was paying for her clothing and Easter eggs and new pink bedding. Last summer means at least six months. And he says he can offer her a loving home! Give us a break, moron.
THE real father of kidnap victim Shannon Matthews has vowed to fight for her custody rather than see her taken into permanent care.
Leon Rose will offer the nine-year-old a loving home if she is not allowed to stay with her mum Karen.
Shannon's 10-year-old brother Ian is already living with him and partner Tracey, and Leon told friends: "She's got a good home ready and waiting here as well." . . . It was reported last night that at that meeting Shannon told her mum she does NOT want to return home.
Shannon's 10-year-old brother Ian is already living with him and partner Tracey, and Leon told friends: "She's got a good home ready and waiting here as well." . . . It was reported last night that at that meeting Shannon told her mum she does NOT want to return home.
Worried Leon, 32, who has two other children, has kept in contact with Shannon after splitting with Karen before his daughter was born—and she has stayed [not stays every weekend or anything like it; in fact, last stayed last summer!] with him at his home ten miles away in Huddersfield. Leon confided in pals who revealed: "He's worried about his daughter's welfare [pass the sick bag, Alice] and determined she should not go into care. He's known for being a good dad [What? A dad who last saw his daughter over six months ago?] and his kids are always polite and never cause any trouble round here." [Main criteria for mbps]
Another friend of Leon said: "All these twists and turns have been shocking for Leon, but he's staying strong for his children living with him and for Shannon. He's had the anguish of searching for his lost daughter, then the relief at her being found alive, now followed by the worry about his little girl's future. His exact words to me were, ‘It's breaking my heart not knowing what will happen. I can't wait to see her'."
2. Just a bit more sociology: I was very taken with the "interview" that the ex-wife of the "abductor" Michael Donovan gave to the News of the Screws:
Shannon man's vile sex secrets
Ex-wife reveals how he tried to strangle and smother her
ANGRY SUE: When I heard Shannon had vanished I knew it could have been Mick
Ex-wife reveals how he tried to strangle and smother her
ANGRY SUE: When I heard Shannon had vanished I knew it could have been Mick

The ex-wife of Shannon Matthews' kidnap suspect has revealed he secretly fantasised about sex with children.
In an exclusive interview Sue Bird told how Mick Donovan's sick lust was sensationally exposed when horrified teachers found graphic sex notes he'd put in his own DAUGHTER'S lunch box.
He was then BARRED from seeing 12-year-old Jane and sister Mary, aged 10, but SNATCHED them from council care and hid away with them in Blackpool for three days.
Sue said: "On top of that he used to force me to dress up as a schoolgirl for sex. That's why none of this is a surprise to me. "He's actually kidnapped before, just 18 months ago. This man is a real nasty piece of work."
Sue Bird, mother of six estranged children, now lives in Cornwall [it's enough
to put me off Cornwall for life]

In an exclusive interview, Sue relived her seven years of hell at the hands of the man who was hauled from his Dewsbury flat on Friday after police smashed their way in. They found nine-year-old Shannon hidden in the drawer under a divan bed. As West Yorkshire police gently questioned the youngster about her 24-day nightmare, Sue broke down and revealed she always had doubts about loner Donovan as he:
SPANKED her in bed while fantasising about being a kinky father or headmaster. TRIED to STRANGLE her during one bizarre romp.
THREATENED to cut her throat unless she walked ten miles to get him drugs.
ENJOYED beating her black and blue—especially in bed.
Sue, 37, said: "Mick was a walking, ticking time bomb.
"He's so horrible, something like this was bound to happen. If he could kidnap his own children, he could kidnap anyone.
"When I heard little Shannon had been taken I was sick to the pit of my stomach. And I knew in my heart that it could have been Mick."
Sue insists 39-year-old Donovan— uncle to Shannon's stepdad Craig Meehan—had an unhealthy interest in children right from the start of their relationship in 1990.
MASKING THE FEAR: Smiling Sue and baby Mary
"When he made me dress like a schoolgirl he'd want me in knee-high white socks, flat shoes and a tight top," she said. "I had to tie my hair up in plaits. And always no make-up, to complete the schoolgirl look.
"If I was wearing make-up, he'd make me go and wash it off. "His nickname for me was ‘Toots' and schoolgirl sex was always his fantasy. He'd often want it twice a day. "He'd spank my bottom during sex, too. He loved being in control. He said he loved feeling like a ‘father or headmaster' in bed. "I went along with it because he was very dominating and violent.
"If I was wearing make-up, he'd make me go and wash it off. "His nickname for me was ‘Toots' and schoolgirl sex was always his fantasy. He'd often want it twice a day. "He'd spank my bottom during sex, too. He loved being in control. He said he loved feeling like a ‘father or headmaster' in bed. "I went along with it because he was very dominating and violent.
"Sometimes, his violence would spill over into our lovemaking. He was having sex with me once when for no reason, he started strangling me. I could feel his hands tightening around my neck, so I pushed him as hard as I could and he fell off the bed. "I really thought I'd had it. But he just put on his dressing gown and walked out of the bedroom. "After that I started sleeping with a knife under the mattress. I honestly thought he'd kill me one day.
"He was really horrible, an obsessive compulsive man who had to be in control all the time—especially in a sexually violent way." Sue, who suffered years of brutal beatings at the hands of the 5ft 6in, nine-stone Donovan, then recalled the terrifying moment when her worst fears nearly came true. "A sixth sense woke me up," she said. "We'd gone to bed after a row and I suddenly awoke to find him straddling me and about to smother me with a pillow.
"I fought him off and he backed away, claiming he'd done it in his sleep. I never slept with him again after that. I stayed downstairs with a chair against the door. "He was addicted to opiates, and when he was high he wanted sex all the time. But when he was off them, he used to have black moods and that's when he'd attack me. Anything would set him off. He used to punch me, kick me and slap me. "He's broken my cheekbone and bust my nose several times. I always had cut lips and bruised ribs." Although scrawny, Donovan has immense strength, says Susan. "Once when the police came round to sort out a fight, he went ballistic," she said. "There were five hefty policemen and it took them all to pin him down.
"He had a ferocious temper and it gave him superhuman strength."
Sue then recounted the chilling moment when, starved of drugs, Donovan threatened her with an eight-inch carving knife. She said: "He knew my grandad had some powerful painkillers he was taking for his cancer so he wanted me to walk the ten miles from Dewsbury to Bradford and back to get them. "I refused and he went berserk. He grabbed me from behind, slammed me against the wall and thrust the tip of the knife into my throat. I thought I was going to die. He looked me in the eyes and yelled, ‘Just do it girl!' "So I did and my grandad handed the drugs over because he knew I'd get a beating if he didn't."
"He was really horrible, an obsessive compulsive man who had to be in control all the time—especially in a sexually violent way." Sue, who suffered years of brutal beatings at the hands of the 5ft 6in, nine-stone Donovan, then recalled the terrifying moment when her worst fears nearly came true. "A sixth sense woke me up," she said. "We'd gone to bed after a row and I suddenly awoke to find him straddling me and about to smother me with a pillow.
"I fought him off and he backed away, claiming he'd done it in his sleep. I never slept with him again after that. I stayed downstairs with a chair against the door. "He was addicted to opiates, and when he was high he wanted sex all the time. But when he was off them, he used to have black moods and that's when he'd attack me. Anything would set him off. He used to punch me, kick me and slap me. "He's broken my cheekbone and bust my nose several times. I always had cut lips and bruised ribs." Although scrawny, Donovan has immense strength, says Susan. "Once when the police came round to sort out a fight, he went ballistic," she said. "There were five hefty policemen and it took them all to pin him down.
"He had a ferocious temper and it gave him superhuman strength."
Sue then recounted the chilling moment when, starved of drugs, Donovan threatened her with an eight-inch carving knife. She said: "He knew my grandad had some powerful painkillers he was taking for his cancer so he wanted me to walk the ten miles from Dewsbury to Bradford and back to get them. "I refused and he went berserk. He grabbed me from behind, slammed me against the wall and thrust the tip of the knife into my throat. I thought I was going to die. He looked me in the eyes and yelled, ‘Just do it girl!' "So I did and my grandad handed the drugs over because he knew I'd get a beating if he didn't."
Susan first met met Donovan during a hospital visit to her mother in 1990. He was a fantasist who had changed his name from Paul Drake in honour of his TV idol, former Neighbours star and singer Jason Donovan. The pair moved to Bradford where they married after Susan gave birth to their first daughter Jane in May, 1995. (We have changed the names of both Donovan's children to protect their identities.)
Then just seven weeks after the birth of second daughter Mary in June, 1997, Susan was forced to flee Donovan for good. Police had been called to the family home SEVEN times to deal with his violence but Sue always dropped charges. But if she feared for herself, she was terrified for elder daughter Jane, with whom he had a worrying obsession. Susan felt unable to trust him alone with her. She said: "Something happened to Mick after Jane was born. He got very obsessive with her in an unnatural way. "He was always interested in changing the girls' nappies. He delighted in it and took ages over it. It used to make my skin crawl. "I couldn't relax around him or fully trust him with our children. "There was something not quite right about him. "As soon as we had the girls he became overpoweringly controlling and demanding.
"He'd take Jane out from 9am in the morning and not bring her back till 9pm at night. I was sick with worry.
"But he intimidated me so much I was afraid to go out in public with him. And I was shocked when we finally split and he said, ‘You're not taking Jane—but you can keep that thing!'—referring to our Mary."
For the next two years Sue lobbied social services to have Jane removed from Donovan. "I was really worried about her but they didn't seem to take me seriously," she said. Worse was to come. Susan became so depressed by her plight that in late 1998 she was admitted to hospital after a nervous breakdown.
"That's when social services let Mick have Mary, too," she said.
"Now both my daughters were under his control. I was bouncing off the walls with worry that he'd do something."
Finally social services acted in 2000, took both girls from Donovan and, with mum Sue still too depressed to care for them they were placed in a foster home. But their father still had access—until the scandal of the lunch box sex notes.
Sue, who now lives in Cornwall, last saw Jane in 1996 and Mary in 1998. They are being looked after by social services. Sue told us: "My mental health deteriorated because of Mick. [No, not because of Mick; because of drugs you fucking retard]. Much to my regret, I was in no fit state to look after the girls as I was in and out of hospital."
Sue's four other children by two other partners all live with their fathers. [So, let's just get that right for the sociology lesson: she has six children by three fathers, and not one of them lives with her].
She told us: "I can imagine how Shannon's parents are feeling right now because I've been through exactly the same fears. "I just feel so sorry for Shannon. I wish something had been done about him earlier then maybe this wouldn't have happened.
"I'm so glad she's been found but I feel sick thinking about what he could have done to her.
"I don't believe that poor girl was there of her own free will.
"That man is sick. What would a 39-year-old man want with a nine-year-old girl?
"I just want to tell her family how sorry I am. I feel guilty that I didn't do enough to take this man off the streets earlier.
"I knew that something like this could happen but nobody would listen to me.
"I never want to see that creature Donovan again and I wish I'd never set eyes on him.
"He's the most destructive person I've ever met. The law and social services should have seen this coming long ago."
Well done, Sue. Loads of money from the News of the Screws for that one. What are you going to spend it on?
I want to tell Gordon Brown that our society is even sicker than any of us can imagine, with an underclass that beggars belief, but I don't think he gives a toss.
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