Monday, 28 December 2009

The Awful Orff

If you haven't already been made sick over the decades by his revolting, fascist music, then just make sure you wiki him at
and never listen again. Typical of gross X Factor, innit.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Jeremy Irons YUK

Yes, he's joined the supporters of Polanksi. This doesn't surprise me. I always thought he had disgusting vibes. He has sons, so perhaps can't imagine this anal rape of a little girl, or the heinousness of ever ever ever making a child frightened. He has a disgusting website where his own narcisism is only matched by those of his gross sons. Please Jesus come down and act out that thing of a millstone for anyone who hurts any of the little ones.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

The Polanski Issue: Yuk, Yuk and Yuk

This I can hardly believe. Now I know for sure there is something completely sordid about people in the film world. The following are people that I have admired. They are also people who think that a guy who drugs and sodomises a 13-year-old girl should go unpunished. The girl wants to drop the case and forgive him because the case makes her life hell. But this isn't justice. It's the reason why rape victims can't bear to go to court and relive everything again. For once I am quite speechless, but here they are, and I now I would be loathe to shake any of them by the hand:

Woody Allen
Pedro Almodovar
Monica Bellucci

Peter Fonda
Robert Harris

David Lynch
Salman Rushdie

Martin Scorsese
Tilda Swinton
Wim Wenders

A day later I find that I am not alone. Oh hell Sam Mendes and Penelope Cruz.


And a week later it really is heartening to hear what people think about Robert Harris on Paterico's Pontifications:

Saturday, 16 May 2009

I would make a little list . . .

. . . of items like:
Blue Movies £10.00
Patio heater £104.56
Horse Shit £380.00
Wisteria pruning £680.00
Massage chair £730.00
Antique rug £1,800.00
Moat dredging £2,200.00
Home Cinema £2,600.00
How many starving children in Africa could a £400 food allowance feed for a month?
Maybe the following MPs will listen to what you said and return their food expenses to help the starving children in Africa ?
John Prescott - £4,800 - Maximum food allowance for 04-05,
Peter Hoone - Home in Derbyshire (Claimed between 2004-2006): £400 a month - Groceries.
Hazel Blears (December 2004): £400 per month - Groceries.
Alistair Darling - £300 a month for food.
Julia Goldsworthy also regularly claimed the maximum £400 monthly food allowance.
Jack Straw 2007/08 food £1,700
Mandelson July 2004 food £270 while living in Hartlepool
Margaret Beckett 2005/06 £1,800 while living in Derby
Paul Murphy 2007/08 food £2,700
Caroline Flint 2007/08 food £1,896
Alan Haselhurst 2007/08 food £3,400
Alex Salmond food £1,700
Francis Maude food £3,020
Cherly Gillian food (dog) £4.47
Bob Marshall-Andrews grocery bills of between £100 and £350 per month.
Mr Balls and Miss Cooper submitted regular claims for food, usually totalling up to £600 a month.
Frank Field generally claimed £200 a month food expenses.

And because MPs can claim up to £400 per month for food, with no need for receipts, some put in claims for precisely that amount every month, even during the recess when they are not expected to live at their “second” home (Guardian 08 May 2009)

At length corruption, like a general flood,
Did deluge all; and avarice creeping on,
spread, like a low-born mist, and hid the sun,
statesmen and patriots plied alike the stocks,
Peeress and butler shared alike the box;
And judges jobbed, and bishops bit the town,
And almighty dukes packed cards for half-a-crown:
Britain was sunk in lucre's sordid charms (Alexander Pope).

Thursday, 26 February 2009

I would squeeze Sir Fred . . .

. . . till he begins to get the message that some of us who have ordinary jobs like nurses, paramedics, shop assistants, teachers, office workers have very, very, very little pensions for a lifetime of slog, and this situation is going to fuel flames. As one of us said to me yesterday, "I was born with nowt, and I've still got most of it left."

My pension is going to be £9,000 a year and his is going to be £693,000. If you are interested, that is £13,300 a week for the rest of his life. Let me put that into words: it means that he is only 50 years old now, but he is going to be able to draw out thirteen thousand and three hundred pounds a week for the rest of his life. Imagine how many pensioners would be thrilled to be able to draw out just the three hundred pounds a week, and let the thirteen thousand pounds go. Think what you could pay for for three hundred pounds a week.

I reckon I've worked as hard as him all my life, so why is he going to get 77 times more pension than I get? I mean twice my pension I could probably live with, but 77 times my pension is a bit much.

We are a disgustingly unequal society. So, in fact, if I were Queen, once I'd finished squeezing him very hard indeed, I'd probably encourage my subjects to have a bloody, burning revolution just as soon as it's warm enough to get outside. She probably prefers us to her shitty government that has allowed this state of affairs to develop on Brown's watch.