Saturday, 16 May 2009

I would make a little list . . .

. . . of items like:
Blue Movies £10.00
Patio heater £104.56
Horse Shit £380.00
Wisteria pruning £680.00
Massage chair £730.00
Antique rug £1,800.00
Moat dredging £2,200.00
Home Cinema £2,600.00
How many starving children in Africa could a £400 food allowance feed for a month?
Maybe the following MPs will listen to what you said and return their food expenses to help the starving children in Africa ?
John Prescott - £4,800 - Maximum food allowance for 04-05,
Peter Hoone - Home in Derbyshire (Claimed between 2004-2006): £400 a month - Groceries.
Hazel Blears (December 2004): £400 per month - Groceries.
Alistair Darling - £300 a month for food.
Julia Goldsworthy also regularly claimed the maximum £400 monthly food allowance.
Jack Straw 2007/08 food £1,700
Mandelson July 2004 food £270 while living in Hartlepool
Margaret Beckett 2005/06 £1,800 while living in Derby
Paul Murphy 2007/08 food £2,700
Caroline Flint 2007/08 food £1,896
Alan Haselhurst 2007/08 food £3,400
Alex Salmond food £1,700
Francis Maude food £3,020
Cherly Gillian food (dog) £4.47
Bob Marshall-Andrews grocery bills of between £100 and £350 per month.
Mr Balls and Miss Cooper submitted regular claims for food, usually totalling up to £600 a month.
Frank Field generally claimed £200 a month food expenses.

And because MPs can claim up to £400 per month for food, with no need for receipts, some put in claims for precisely that amount every month, even during the recess when they are not expected to live at their “second” home (Guardian 08 May 2009)

At length corruption, like a general flood,
Did deluge all; and avarice creeping on,
spread, like a low-born mist, and hid the sun,
statesmen and patriots plied alike the stocks,
Peeress and butler shared alike the box;
And judges jobbed, and bishops bit the town,
And almighty dukes packed cards for half-a-crown:
Britain was sunk in lucre's sordid charms (Alexander Pope).

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